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Group of business people concentrate during training class

Petroc has an obligation to ensure value for money from its external expenditure therefore the decision to award contracts will usually be based upon the most economically advantageous tender which will take into account a number of factors including price, quality, sustainability, social value and running costs to establish the full life cycle costs. Tenders will usually advise what criteria will be used when selecting a supplier.

Petroc will endeavour to advise all those who have quoted the outcome of a tender process. Prior to submitting a quote, it is important that you read all of the tender documentation to ensure that you fully understand our requirements, the specification for the goods or services and the timescales involved. We will endeavour to publish contract opportunities on these pages including where possible any pre-qualification requirements.

Colleagues discussing their ideas
Further information

All publicly funded organisations must ensure that external expenditure complies with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, these regulations are intended to ensure transparency and to open up the public sector to greater competition, especially for SME’s.

The regulations apply to all procurements but particularly those purchases which are above a set monetary threshold. Where this applies the contract opportunity must be advertised publicly and the procurement process must follow rules for the advertisement, qualification and award. Thresholds are reviewed on a regular basis and the current levels are as follows:

Supplies Services Works ‘Light Touch Regime’ Contracts
£213,477 £213,477 £5,336,937 £663,540

Where contract values fall below these thresholds, public sector organisations are still expected to comply with the principles of the regulations and ensure that their procurement processes remain fair and transparent.

All suppliers of goods and services to Petroc must adhere to the college Procurement Terms and Conditions unless otherwise agreed.

Furthermore Petroc operates a ‘No PO – No Pay’ Policy and requires suppliers to comply with our Invoice Protocol to enable us to meet our aim of settling all correctly submitted invoices within 30 days.

No current opportunities available.

All organisations seeking to secure subcontracting agreements for the delivery of education, training and development provision, regardless of previous involvement with the college, must successfully complete the Stage One Due Diligence Questionnaire in order to be listed on Petroc’s Subcontractor Framework.

Where the duration of the provision could cover multiple years this is specified in the Request for Quotation information, where multiple years occur there might not be a requirement for the subcontractor to provide a Pre-Qualified Questionnaire annually. Where the contract still exists with the subcontractor, previous versions of the Pre-Qualified Questionnaire will be retained, data will also be retained in line with the Data Retention and Disposal policy.

The following Contracts Templates (Terms & Conditions) can support your application:

- AOC Template Subcontract for Apprenticeship provision contract

- FE Template for 16-19 or AEB funding provision contract

If you would like to notify us of your interest in being included in any of our forthcoming opportunities or would like to make us aware of your organisation's capabilities, please contact Graham Greatorex, Procurement Co-ordinator at graham.greatorex@petroc.ac.uk on Tel: 01271 447086 or by post at Petroc, Old Sticklepath Hill, Barnstaple, Devon, EX31 2BQ.