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Martin McNeill

External Governor

Martin McNeil


Martin began his working life as an investment banker, which he combined with work in the community, including four years as a borough councillor. A one-year Sloan Fellowship at London Business School inspired him to join the Audit Commission and his focus has since been on the management and governance of public services. He was the principal author of 16 influential reports published by the Commission, where he also led the development of a sustainable supply strategy for local public audit. He served for four years on the Commission’s Management Board, with responsibility for finance, HR and other corporate services. He continues his involvement with the audit of public bodies as a director of Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments, the organisation that oversees the audit of town and parish councils.

Martin has lived on the Somerset side of Exmoor for over 40 years and is or has been a trustee of a number of local charities working in the education, recreation and childcare sectors both in West Somerset and in Central London. He was for nine years Chair of Governors at West Somerset College and has worked as a School Improvement Partner as well as leading change management projects in the NHS and other parts of the public sector.

Martin is committed to lifelong learning and has worked with institutions serving learners of all ages, at all levels. From 2015 to until his retirement in 2023 Martin was Clerk and Company Secretary at Morley College London, having previously held a similar position at Bicton College in Devon. He has been a National Leader of FE Governance and continues through his consultancy work to promote better governance in colleges and schools. As a council member at Birmingham Newman University he aims to ensure that education addresses the needs of the whole person, with personal development no less important than academic success.

CONTACT Martin McNeill

