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Human Behavioural Studies Degree – drop-in sessions

Have you ever been curious about the complexities of human behaviour and the various factors that influence it? If so, why not pop along to our drop-in sessions to learn about our degree course in Human Behavioural Studies!

The Human Behavioural Studies degree provides a deep understanding of the intricacies and dynamics of human behaviour, bridging the fields of psychology, sociology, and criminology. By enrolling in this course, you will gain invaluable insights into the forces shaping human actions, emotions, and thoughts, allowing you to make a positive impact on individuals and communities. And, on graduating you could go into a wide range of exciting careers including occupational or clinical psychology, social work, probation, prison service, teaching, and crime prevention.

To find out more about this fascinating subject, we’re hosting a series of sessions for Level 5 students.

During the sessions, you can find out more about the degree, explore the curriculum, find out more about career opportunities, and ask questions of our experienced faculty leaders.

The sessions are being held online and in-person throughout January.

Online via Google Meet:

  • Monday 15 January, 5.15-6.15pm
  • Monday 22 January, 5.15-6.15pm

In-person at SWIoT/University Centre, Petroc, North Devon Campus, Barnstaple:

  • Tuesday 16 January, 4.30-7.00pm
  • Thursday 18 January, 4.30-7.00pm

To register, simply email tara.davies@petroc.ac.uk with your preferred date, and we will send you a confirmation email with further instructions.


18 Jan 2024

4:30pm - 7:00pm


SWIoT, North Devon Campus