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Brooke Tucker


What made you pick this particular course/Petroc?
I liked the idea of an apprenticeship and this course fits in with my job.

What did/do you most enjoy about studying at Petroc e.g. trips, visits, projects. (Please fill this question out in as much detail as possible).
I have most enjoyed making new friends, the supportive and friendly lecturers and learning whilst working and having outside world experience.

Did you undertake any work experience throughout your studies?
I work at Mike Wye Ltd and I love working for this company and will continue working full time after this course.

Any advice for someone thinking of choosing the same course as you?
Pick a job that you know you will enjoy.


Level 3 Business Administrator Apprenticeship

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I have most enjoyed making new friends, the supportive and friendly lecturers and learning whilst working and having outside world experience.