Emma .


I was stuck in life, struggling deeply with mental and physical health issues but wanted to better myself and utilise the knowledge and skills I had from providing childcare into a degree. I wanted to understand the theories behind childhood development to broaden my understanding and expand my professional development.
I chose a degree-level course as it was the next step in my educational journey, I had completed my science GCSE the year before after not being able to complete it in school. I was torn between an access course and the FD but ultimately decided to pursue the FD as it better aligned with my interests surrounding childhood development.

From my experiences with Petroc, they offer valuable 1:1 personalised support to learners that can struggle to thrive in education. Due to health issues alongside a lack of support from teachers, I left school with a few GCSE’s and poor confidence however the lecturers, support staff and the HE skills advisor completely changed my perception and provided support, guidance, encouragement to me and all of their students to ensure they succeeded with personal and professional goals. I would not have been able to complete my Foundation Degree had it not been for the kindness, willingness from lecturers that put aside time to go over things that I hadn’t fully understood, and their innate drive to ensure students gain the most from education.

The course has given me so many insights into theories behind the basic understanding of childhood development, it has ignited a brewing passion for research within me which I had no understanding of beforehand and I am looking forward to completing my BA. Throughout the course, we did several team building exercises that had ulterior motives – conformity is an interesting subject! – which helped to forge friendships and deepened collaborative learning.

The University Centre offers clean, quiet spaces, a kitchen area and computers for studying and around campus there are plentiful opportunities for students to use resources such as books from the library and loaning of Chromebooks, to progress in their studying. The liberty café also provides some absolutely delicious brownies and a calming space for studying or unwinding after a lecture.

The Foundation Degree has given me a ton of confidence when it comes to learning and education. Although it is still a struggle, I have realised (mostly due to the support from staff) that I am much more capable than I give myself credit for. The course has strengthened my knowledge of childhood development, boosting my confidence and enhancing my professional image and self-esteem. It has also addressed gaps in my understanding, providing new insights to offer more comprehensive support to children and families, advancing my professional growth.

My advice for anyone wanting to start a degree is to be confident with your decision to study, ensure you can dedicate time towards your studies and ask for help as soon as you need it. All the staff at The University Centre want you to succeed so go for it!


Early Childhood Studies

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I would not have been able to complete my Foundation Degree had it not been for the kindness, willingness from lecturers that put aside time to go over things that I hadn’t fully understood, and their innate drive to ensure students gain the most from education.