Finley Huish
What made you pick this particular course?
I have always wanted to pursue a career in the NHS, however I was not certain which area I would like to work in. The T Level in Health and it’s placements was perfect to help influence my future career aspirations.
What do you most enjoy about studying at Petroc e.g. trips, visits, projects?
The placement in and around North Devon. I also really enjoy the practical lessons in the sim suite and the close learning with our lecturers.
Did you undertake any work experience throughout your studies?
Part of the course was to do 315 hours of placement. The experience allowed me to develop the required skills to work within a healthcare setting, and gain insight into the many careers.
What do you plan to do when you leave Petroc?
I plan to study Physiotherapy at Cardiff University. I plan to qualify as a physiotherapist and work within Wales for a couple of years but I am keeping my options open!
Any advice for someone thinking of choosing the same course as you?
Apply yourself to the many areas when you are on placement. Learn and experience as much as you can.
Health T Level
I also really enjoy the practical lessons in the sim suite and the close learning with our lecturers.