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Lola Fiddes


What made you pick this particular course?
The placements! Placement is important as it helps you see through the eyes of a practitioner. It also gave me a better understanding of theoretical knowledge as I could see it being put into practice. I went to St Michaels Nursery.

Which elements of your course do you particularly enjoy?
I love how the course is structured. In the beginning when you are being introduced to what you have to learn, it may feel overwhelming but after a week everything starts to make sense as most topics are interrelated and the teachers are very supportive. I also really enjoyed having blocked placements as this helped break down the workload as having a few weeks in setting felt like a rewarding break.

What do you plan to do when you leave college?
After I finish college I’m going to be taking a gap year and then start university in 2025 to study primary teaching.

Any advice for someone thinking of choosing the same course as you?
My tip would be to make sure that they speak up if they do have any questions or any difficulty understanding topics as you are now responsible for your own learning and asking teachers for help may not only help you, but the rest of your class too. I’d also recommend preparing revision materials before exam season so that when exams come around all you have to do is focus on go over and learning your revision materials so that you haven’t got to stress about making them.


T Level Education & Childcare

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I love how the course is structured. In the beginning when you are being introduced to what you have to learn, it may feel overwhelming but after a week everything starts to make sense as most topics are interrelated and the teachers are very supportive.