Robert Waldron
What made you pick this particular course?
I liked the look of the content in it as I am interested in the environment.
What did you most enjoy about studying at Petroc?.
I liked how friendly the staff and students were. Also, I enjoyed trips to Westward Ho! in 2022 and to Bristol in 2023.
Have you got involved in any enrichment activities, if so, which ones, and what did you enjoy most about them?
I joined the Badminton club during my A Levels and this helped me to make new friends as well as keeping me fit. I also took part in The Missing Maps project, this gave me experience of working as part of a team. Missing maps is a collaborative project where you can map areas where humanitarian organisations are trying to meet the needs of people at risk of humanitarian disasters like tectonic hazards. These organisations use Missing Maps to help get aid to those areas affected by disasters. At Petroc in November 2022, a Mapathon was held. A Mapathon is a big mapping event for missing maps. I helped run the Mapathon along with a couple of other students by helping people do the mapping and helped arrange the day when the it was going to be held.
Did you undertake any work experience throughout your studies?
I volunteered with the Museum of Barnstaple and North Devon and I enjoyed the experience. I am also doing my work placement with 361 Energy; they are an energy company in Barnstaple that give energy advice. I am enjoying my work placement because it is supporting my course really well. It is there were I have learnt what Scope 1,2 and 3 Carbon emissions are. It has helped put into practice what I have learnt during my lectures, for example, I was set a project on how to make football more sustainable; I was able to apply low carbon solutions to this.
What do you plan to do when you leave Petroc?
After completing my foundation degree at Petroc, I hope to make this up to an Honours degree at Plymouth University. I would like a career in Sustainability.
Any advice for someone thinking of choosing the same course as you?
Good time management is important for any course.
Sustainable Environment Management Foundation Degree
I joined the Badminton club during my A Levels and this helped me to make new friends as well as keeping me fit.