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Beijing, China - June 6, 2018: Mobile phone in a denim jeans back pocket. The phone shows a Wallet App display.

Your personal circumstances should not be a barrier to fulfilling your potential here at Petroc. Funding is available to learners for help with childcare costs while attending classes at Petroc (subject to meeting the criteria).

To apply for Care to Learn funding, you will need to go to the Care to Learn website which provides information on the funding you will receive, as well as a link to apply.

Petroc will need to see evidence of your child(ren)’s Birth Certificate and Child Benefit. This can be scanned and emailed to the Advice & Guidance Centre, or brought in for us to see in person. This will allow us to complete the application.

We will monitor your attendance as part of the Care to Learn application. If you withdraw from College or do not attend, funds will not be approved.

Please read the information below or contact us for more details.

Funding options

Need further assistance?

Please get in touch with the Advice & Guidance Centre:

North Devon
01271 852422
01884 235330